Afghan Hound Dog | Popular Purebred Hound Dog From 1000 Years

Glamorously looking, beautifully structured, with lightening fast speed and thick, long waving silky coats, Afghan Hound dog is one of the most elegant and popular hound dog breeds in America since Zeppo Marx first time brought a pair of this sight hound into United States in the year 1931.
Originated from the tough terrain of mountains of Afghanistan, Afghan hound dogs are the skilled hunting dogs which can run at average speed of of 40 miles an hour, faster than to your car speed at the city roads.
The routes of Afghan hound can be trailed back till 6000 years, pre-Christian age, and is believed to be one of the oldest purebred hound dog breed.


Afghan Hound Dog
Afghan Hound” By Томасина, is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0


Traits and Characteristics of Afghan Hound Dog

Being Sight hound, Afghan hound are famous for their high speed chases which can go up to 40 miles an hour. They have 270 degree vision due to their narrow face structure and the positioning of eyes, which makes them the perfect Sight hounds.

Height24-27 inches
Weight50-60 pounds
Life-span12-18 years
CoatLong – Silky coat
Drooling LevelLess likely
ColorsBlack, Black n Tan, Black n Silver, Blue, Blue n Cream, Cream, Red, Silver, White, Dark Brown, Gold, Brindle


Adaptability Traits

If you are planning to adopt a dog it is important to know how adaptive your dog can be to certain or uncertain changes in circumstances, situations, weather conditions, apartment styles and so on. Let us discuss these factors in detail.

1. Weather Adaptability

Though having thick and long coat, Afghan hound dogs are very much adaptive to the changes in weather, both cold and hot weather as they originated from a tough terrain like Afghanistan where we can see harsh and cold snowy mountains area as well as the miles and miles of melting hot desert landscapes.

2. Adaptability to Type of House

Afghan Hound dogs are versatile breed which can fairly adapt to any type of house, provided they are given required amount of exercise, running and playful activity on regular basis. Afghan hound dogs usually found to be low energy, calm and quite inside the apartment living and enough playful, charged-up, athletic at open areas like open grounds. So as a responsible pet parent, it is owner’s duty to provide their Afghan hound dog enough exercise irrespective of the house you living in together.

3. Sensitivity to Noise and Chaos

Afghan Hound are fairly adaptive to noisy environment or household, but it is advised to give them a safe and soothing environment so that they won’t panic due to sudden high noises or chaos in the house or around them, especially if you have a young puppy of the Afghan hound dog.

4. First Time Pet Parent

Many Americans consider Afghan hounds as best hound dogs for families but if you are a first time dog parent and planning to adopt Afghan hound dog then you should be aware that these dogs are costly and high maintenance breed, claimed to be generally aloof and independent who prefer to live in their own world. Grooming is a on-going task which may become challenging for first time dog parents and cost associated with it should also be considered well. You may find your perfect paw-friend here if you are particularly looking for popular hound dog breeds to adopt.


Afghan Hound Dog


Health of Afghan Hound Dog

Afghan Hound are exuberant breed but like any other deep-chested dogs, there are certain health conditions they are prone to.

1. General Health Issues

Prime health issues are hip dysplasia, cataract, hypothyroidism, cancer (bone cancer, bleeding cancer) and common allergies. Afghan Hound are anaesthesia-sensitive due to their low body fat condition, so owners are advised to consult a sighthound-savvy veterinarian if any surgical need arises.

Bloating: Bloating is another common health issue with Afghan Hound and owners should be well aware of such symptoms. Bloat can be dangerous, even fatal if not identified and treated timely, so make sure to have the enough information about this health condition before you bring in your buddy home.

Panosteitis: Panosteitis is a painful disorder occurs due to musculoskeletal inflammation, which occurs usually in young puppies of age 5 to 18 month old. You need to check if your puppy has symptoms like fever, lack of appetite, severe pain or a sudden lameness in the limbs.

2. Hereditary and Fatal Health Issues

Hereditary Necrotizing Myelopathy: Hereditary Necrotizing Myelopathy is spinal cord related disease which can occur paralysis and death, and unfortunately incurable at the moment. 

Afghan Hound dogs drool minimal and doesn’t give you that extra job to clean the floor again and again. If your dog drools less means you have lesser risk of saliva related allergies or infections to transfer to you in case your dog have any.

Afghan Hound Dog
Afghan Hound Dog Playing With Puppy


Grooming of Afghan Hound Dog

Grooming is not much issue with puppies of Afghan Hound, but an adult Afghan Hound requires a lot of grooming.

Brushing and Bath

Afghan hound dogs has a very long and thick coat which can easily get tangled if not maintained well. Daily brushing is a must to avoid mats and tangles. Afghan Hound need regular bathing with suitable shampoo and conditioner for their coat to look neat and shiny. Rubbing of hairs should be avoided during the bath, it can damage the coat easily. Regular nails trimming and brushing of teeth is necessary. If you are looking for some easy to groom breed then this short video on popular hound dog breeds for families may help you make easy choice.

Ear Cleaning

Ear infection is common in Afghan Hound so keeping clean ears is advisable. Do check if ears are omitting some kind of weird smell, if they do then time to thoroughly check the ears for any infection in the deep pockets. If you can’t do it well, get your vet’s help soon.


Exercise needs of Afghan Hound Dog

Afghan Hound are sight hound, so they have a natural and strong instinct to run after and chase the prey, short or irregular walks won’t give required exercise to this sporting dog. Afghan Hound should be given full long running sessions throughout the week, at least 5 times a week, lack of exercise is not good for their mental health.

Off-leash walks or running is not advised. These hound dogs are tall, lean and also a strong jumper, so make sure that their exercise area is well-fenced with adequate height.


Nutrition for Afghan Hound Dog

Afghan Hounds are strong athletic dogs and need good amount of nutrition to fulfil their energy needs. A high quality dry dog meal of around 2 to 2.5 cups per day is recommended, of course each dog has different dietary needs, so consult your Veterinarian to construct a good diet plan for your paw-buddy.


Training of Afghan Hound Dog

Being originated from the tough terrain like harsh mountains of Afghanistan, where they had to do hunting in brutal environment which turned these Afghan Hound in to independent thinker and stubborn at times. Afghan Hound do not hold a desire to please their owner.

Although Afghan Hound are affectionate, training them is a challenging job even for the professional trainers. Harsh commands or tough handling will make them resistant, patience and kindness is the key to train them basic commands like sit, come, stay which is sufficient if owner not expecting complete obedience from their Afghan hound.

Early socialization is vital and can be useful in training sessions, so give your puppy an early socialization experience along with maximum quality time together to create that special bond between you two.


Afghan Hound Dog
Afghan Hound Dog : Image by Ralph from Pixabay


FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Que: Is an Afghan Hound Dog a good family dog?
Ans: Despite their aloof, independent personality, Afghan Hound dogs are very loyal to their family and plays well with kids. It is just that you can not expect them to be playful all the time like other dog breeds.

Que: Do Afghan Hound dogs bark a lot?
Ans: No, Afghan Hound dogs are quite and less conversive in general, they can be a “good Mumma’s boy” who usually doesn’t bark and disturb the neighbours at midnight.

Que: What does an Afghan hound dog eat?
Ans: Afghan hound dogs can thrive well on high quality dry dog food which is high in protein, 2 to 2.5 cups of per day is enough, but every dog have different dietary needs so Veterinarian’s advice is highly important before making any changes to diet plan.

Que: How much Afghan hound dog costs in America?
Ans: Be ready to pay an average $1000 to $1200 for this majestic hound dog if you want to buy if from any breeder. However, price can vary and go up to $2500 to $5000 for this show-worthy silky hound.

Que: Where to buy or adopt an Afghan hound dog?
Ans: Make sure to do ample research before getting an Afghan hound pup for you as this breed need special care, attention and exercise which demands great amount of time and dedication from the owner. You can find required information on where to buy or adopt an Afghan hound in the following links;

Afghan Hound Breeder Directory (U.S.A)

Afghan Hound Club of America – National Rescue

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